They bathe in Don Pérignon and we are left watching on Instagram


They have money (lots of it). They drink Evian, bathe in Don Pérignon and Moët et Chandon, they have parties, appropriately, ‘á la Maria Antoinette’ (if there is no bread let them eat cake), they receive bills with so many numbers that it even becomes difficult to calculate (or is that just envy talking). And, even better, they take photos of all this: the yachts, the Rolls-Royces, the Ferraris, the private jets, the helicopter jumps, the jewellery, be they at the Hamptons or on Nikki Beach. Everything. For what? No-one knows for sure, but it, at least, served to generate the tumblr Rich Kids of Instagram (RKOI) on the 13 July where all the Kodak moments are aptly placed in a golden frame. ‘A few glasses of wine and a few wrong searches on Instagram lead to this creation’ the anonymous founder told CNN. And how do the photos get there? Some via ‘hashtags’: #cartier, #ferrari, #wealth and, of course, already via #rkoi. AR Portuguese version
