Lee Miller: Na Linha da Frente. O que fizeste na guerra, mãezinha?

À previsibilidade do biopic, segue-se a do “filme sobre o Holocausto”. No meio de tudo isto, desaparece Lee Miller, modelo de moda e do surrealismo, fotógrafa e correspondente de guerra.

O filme Lee Miller: Na Linha da Frente estreia-se esta quinta-feira nas salas de cinema portuguesas
The film explores the most significant decade of Lee Miller’s life. As a middle-aged woman, she refused to be remembered as a model and male artists’ muse. Lee Miller defied the expectations and rules of the time by traveling to Europe to report from the frontline during WWII. There, in part as a reaction to her own well-hidden trauma, she used her Rolleiflex camera to give a voice to the voiceless. What she captured on film in Dachau and throughout Europe was shocking and horrific. Her photographs of the war, its victims and its consequences remain among the most significant and historically important of the Second World War. She changed war photography forever, but Lee Miller paid an enormous personal price for what she witnessed and the stories she fought to tell.
O filme Lee Miller: Na Linha da Frente estreia-se esta quinta-feira nas salas de cinema portuguesas Kimberley French
The film explores the most significant decade of Lee Miller’s life. As a middle-aged woman, she refused to be remembered as a model and male artists’ muse. Lee Miller defied the expectations and rules of the time by traveling to Europe to report from the frontline during WWII. There, in part as a reaction to her own well-hidden trauma, she used her Rolleiflex camera to give a voice to the voiceless. What she captured on film in Dachau and throughout Europe was shocking and horrific. Her photographs of the war, its victims and its consequences remain among the most significant and historically important of the Second World War. She changed war photography forever, but Lee Miller paid an enormous personal price for what she witnessed and the stories she fought to tell.
O filme Lee Miller: Na Linha da Frente estreia-se esta quinta-feira nas salas de cinema portuguesas Kimberley French
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The Lives of Lee Miller é o título da biografia, publicada em 1985, que Antony Penrose, nascido em 1947, escreveu sobre "as vidas" da sua mãe, Lee Miller, modelo de moda (posou para fotógrafos como Edward Steichen, foi capa da Vogue...) e musa do surrealismo, companheira de aventuras de Man Ray, de quem foi amante, de Pablo Picasso, que pintou o seu retrato, ou de Jean Cocteau, para quem filmou Le Sang d'un Poète (1930). Para além de tudo isto, foi ainda fotógrafa e correspondente de guerra, ​também para a Vogue.

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