The return of Rubens’ beauty


The project ‘Unadorned’ by Julia Fullerton-batten aims to compliment the determination and self-confidence of the people, who shamelessly affirm themselves in what are today’s standards of beauty. In an ineterview with P3, via ‘email’, the author stresses. ‘the way my models and how they behaved when nude in front of a camera showed me the strength of their individuality, personality and self-confidence. They accept their bodies as well as their nature. They are honest with themselves in a world dominated by a manipulated beauty model’. Through these projects, the author draws a modern photographic parallel with the Flemish Renaissance paintings (XVI Century), which represented beauty through the ‘fuller figure’ images. In those paintings, the round forms of the women and men portrayed were seen as realistic and natural, showing how the model of beauty has suffered an alteration in this modern era. The current model affects mainly women’s behaviour, Julia underlines, but is also under the opinion that men now are more likely to give in to plastic surgery and prejudicial eating habits in search of the concordant figure that the model imposes. Julia Fullerton-Batten is an art photographer, born in Germany, living in the UK, with a long and renowned career with revolves around the role of the Woman and the stages of her growth. Ana Marques Maia

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