When Family Portraits are only via Skype


John Clang is from Singapore, but lives in New York. He chose, like many youngsters, to leave the country where he was born to work abroad. And this, narrates the New York Times, has brought about a dilemma to a Singaporean tradition: when a family gets together at a special occasion where will he be? With ‘Being Together’ the photographer attempts to find a solution. Skype, which very often annihilates distances, is a time machine and a teleport and the most perfect scenario. And without Photoshop. ‘The families ‘dis(membered)’ through time and space can be ‘re(membered)’ and re-established though the use of a third dimension,’ stated the photographer about his work, which on the other hand, is also the portrait of the actual diaspora of the country. ‘Singaporean families of various races and ethnic backgrounds which face the separation.’ Portuguese version