Existe ódio contra as mulheres nas obras dos “grandes homens da Filosofia ocidental”?

Há sexismo nas obras de Platão, Charles Darwin, Friedrich Nietzsche, Arthur Schopenhauer? A artista visual holandesa Marinka Masséus acredita que eles são “o sustentáculo intelectual” da misoginia.

“Taught from their infancy that beauty is woman's sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison.”

? Mary Wollstonecraft 

For centuries, women have been reduced solely to their appearance, their physical beauty deemed their only worth. Western philosophers who have shaped our collective thinking - Aristotle[i], Socrates[ii], Jean-Jacques Rousseau[iii], Darwin[iv], Schopenhauer[v], Nietzsche[vi] - compared women to animals, incapable of rational thought, devoid of intelligence. And although present generations are desperately trying to escape these narrow confinements, the ingrained programming leaves many women struggling with their self-worth.

The objectification of the female body is an effective form of dehumanization. Women's sexuality is exploited and suppressed at the same time. Admired and reviled, chased and judged, praised and ridiculed, all at the same time. This opppresive societal schizophrenia is mirrored in every woman's soul.

This series reflects on the desire to be seen, coupled with the shame and instinctive need to hide.
“Taught from their infancy that beauty is woman's sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison.” ? Mary Wollstonecraft For centuries, women have been reduced solely to their appearance, their physical beauty deemed their only worth. Western philosophers who have shaped our collective thinking - Aristotle[i], Socrates[ii], Jean-Jacques Rousseau[iii], Darwin[iv], Schopenhauer[v], Nietzsche[vi] - compared women to animals, incapable of rational thought, devoid of intelligence. And although present generations are desperately trying to escape these narrow confinements, the ingrained programming leaves many women struggling with their self-worth. The objectification of the female body is an effective form of dehumanization. Women's sexuality is exploited and suppressed at the same time. Admired and reviled, chased and judged, praised and ridiculed, all at the same time. This opppresive societal schizophrenia is mirrored in every woman's soul. This series reflects on the desire to be seen, coupled with the shame and instinctive need to hide. ©Marinka Masséus,©Marinka Masséus
©Marinka Masséus

O tema dos direitos das mulheres sempre interessou à artista visual holandesa Marinka Masséus. Mesmo enquanto crescia, nos anos 1970 e 80, já sentia perplexidade ao observar a forma díspar como mulheres e homens eram tratados. "A misoginia toca todas as culturas e todas as eras", escreve na sinopse do projecto [Don't] Look At Me, que dedica à luta pela igualdade de género. "Pode parecer que as mulheres já percorreram um longo caminho [no sentido da igualdade], que já fizeram progressos substanciais", escreve, numa entrevista ao P3. "Mas não. Enquanto as mulheres não tiverem metade do poder, metade da riqueza, não estarão a salvo."

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